Call it boredom, way to much time on my hands, excitement or all the above, but I thought it would be fun to delve into some interesting facts about draft position. It's completely random yet there are some things to mull over when finding out your draft position.
No Team Drafting #1 has ever won the league- Nope #1 isn't a shoo in at all to take the title. In fact, Drew was the only one to reach the finals back in 2010. Matt finished 9th in 2011 after having the #1 pick, and Posey, though he made the playoffs, finished 5th.
Only 1 Team Drafting #1-#3 has won the league- The "coveted" top 3 slots have only produced 1 winner, Leland, last year at #2 and he didn't even keep Ray Rice!
Teams Drafting #1 have a 66% chance of making the playoffs- Only Matt didn't make it in 2011.
Teams Drafted #1-#3 have a 66% chance of making the playoffs- It does seem holding that top three slot at least gives you a great chance at the playoffs. In fact, last year, all 3 teams with top picks made the playoffs.
Teams Drafting Last have placed in the top 3 100% of the time- How bout this stat for the supposed "unwanted draft pick" Not only does the team that drafts last make the playoffs, they finish no lower than 3. I drafted 8th (8 team league) in 2010, finished 3rd, 10 in 2011 and finished 2nd, and Ryan drafted last year and finished 3rd. Might not be too terrible to have those back to back snake picks after all.
Teams Drafting with the last 3 picks make the playoffs 66% of the time- Same odds as owning a top 3 pick.
Two Teams drafting with a lower pick than the top 5 have made the finals- Me in 2011 (10th Pick) and Albert last year (7th pick)
No Teams drafting at #6 have ever made the playoffs- The "Kiss of Death" Pick is pick #6. It's the only slot that hasn't been represented in the playoffs.
Teams picking #5 and #8 have only made the playoffs once a piece- Every other pick (besides 6) has been represented twice. Of course, the one time the team picking 5th made it, they won it all (Albert).
Teams picking #5 have finished dead last twice- Talk about a all or nothing pick, You either win it all (Albert in 2011) or finish dead last (Ryan in 2010, Mayra in 2012)
I have never picked outside the last 3- I've picked last in 2010 and 2011 and 8th last year. This bad luck HAS TO STOP NOW DAMMITT!!!
Matt has never picked outside the top 3-Talk about lady luck on your side. Matt's picked 3rd, 1st, and 3rd respectively. Matt's the only one in the league to have had multiple top 3 picks.
Players who have never picked in the top 3 (minimum 1 draft)- Me, Albert, Ryan, Mayra
Players who have never picked in the bottom 3 (minimum 1 draft)- Matt, Leland, Drew, Mayra, Albert
Ok my head hurts now...
I want that that 6TH spot give it too me I'll make that Bitch mine. :) Cant wait till 7 the anticipation is killing me.